No Prisoners, No Mercy
There comes a time, friends, when your favorite MMO ceases to sparkle, when even new videogames lose their luster, and the computer room becomes a prison; and all that is left are two gamers (who happen to be nuns) with a very large axe to grind. Come join Julie Whitefeather and Frances Kosac as they discuss the events in the videogame industry.

Welcome to Show 155,

Here are the topics this time out, This time out we talk about the BAFT Awards, ransomeware for gamers, and a game from the evil empire that is rated "E for Exploitive"


 see you online,

Julie and Fran


1.       Ransomware

2.       BAFTA Videogame Awards

3.       Chappie –  Do artificial intelligent beings have artificial souls?

4.       Stop throwing pizza’s on Walter White’s Roof

5.       Why do fans attend conventions (and why does William Shatner want you to “get a life”?

6.       Duck, duck…nuclear power plant

7.       Five Nights at Freddies

8.       The Flop (wolf) among – Tell-Tale Games versus Inkle Games

9.       Julie buys a game from the Evil Empire –  Titanfall

10.   This game rated “E” for exploitive


11.   Ed Obanon vs. NCAA and EA

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